Tuesday, December 19, 2006


How to Interview Candidates – Some Do’s & Don’t’s


Very often we see interviewee’s scratching their heads to find a way, as how they can crack an interview.

Get tensed
Take Coaching's
Speak to elders and experienced people
Take advices
Read Books, Magazines...wherever they find some information as how to crack an interview

They just don't want to leave any stone unturned in their preparation for the interview.

Have you ever seen an interviewer to prepare for an interview?

Many times, I have seen, many of the interviewer's don't even care to scan through the profiles/resumes of the candidates, before sitting "Across the Interview Table". Probably, they think that take interview is not a big-deal.

Many interviewers just ask the questions as it comes to their mind, without even knowing the purpose of those questions.

What do you think how many interviews you can take in one day? If properly conducted, even if you are recruiter and hiring people for entry level positions…you can not take more than 35 interviews in a working day of 10 hours.

If you are taking more than 35 interviews…then I am sorry, you are not taking interviews but just making a fool of yourself and misrepresenting your organization.

Taking interview is an art and not everybody can take interviews. In this write-up we will try to explore this art for the benefit of readers.

You can read the complete article at: http://ezinearticles.com/?Art-of-Taking-Interviews:-Benchmarking- Interviews&id=387427

Let's make a beginning

An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked to obtain information about the interviewee.

Interviews can be divided into two rough types :

  1. Interviews of assessment
  2. Interviews for information.

So, do you think that you can take an interview of a person having more than 10 years of experience? I don't think so. If a person is having more than 10 years of functional experience than you are just belittling his image, expertise and stature by taking his interview. At that level, it can only be discussion or interaction for mutual growth and benefit.

I have seen in some of the companies Fresher (People with less than 2 years of experience) taking an interview of a person for the position of HR-Manager (with experience of 6+ Years).

Here I like to share one incident/case. ( Case Study: A Great Company plus a Great Recruitment Consultancy Firm...And A Great Goof-up; Link: http://ezinearticles.com/?Case-Study:-A-Great-Company-Plus-A-Grea t-Recruitment-Consultancy-Firm...And-A-Great-Goof&id=291674)

As I have said earlier in my write-up "Employee Retention Process and Your Marriage" (Link: http://ezinearticles.com/?Employee-Retention-Process-and-Your-Mar riage&id=368554) that recruitment is a first step towards the retention of an employee. You are marketing your company.

First Step: Before Starting the Interview

Prepare for the interview: Take some time to go through the profile of the candidate. Try to understand his role and also prepare a list of questions that you like to ask.
Schedule your time. Don't give same time to more than one person.
Start the interview on time. If you think that you will not be able to start the interview on specified time then inform the candidate. Even if you have informed the candidate about the expected delay…apologize before you start the interview.

Environment for the Interview

Don't take interview at a place, which is either too noisy or too congested.
If possible, put a tag "Do not disturb "outside your cabin or room.
Ensure that the lights are proper and the person sitting there is comfortable.
Record the proceedings of the interview. If you have voice recorder, that will be excellent but if you don't have…then write in down.

Begin the Interview

The candidate might think…Who are you to take my interview?

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Your Name
  3. Your Designation
  4. Your Total Experience
  5. A brief about your role in the organization
  6. Since how long you have been associated with your present organization.

Introduce the company that you are representing. How big is the company? What are the various interests and businesses of the company? How it has grown in last 3-5 years? What was profit after tax…in the last financial year? What are the future growth plans of the organization?

Discuss about the profile/job opening for which you are interviewing the person sitting opposite to you.

Specify the qualities and knowledge level that you are looking for.

Also, care to inform him…why his resume has been short listed.

What will be the Recruitment Process that you are going to follow?

Lastly, approximately how many days will it take to close the position?

Discuss about the career growth of the position for which you are taking the interview.

What are the growth prospects? Don't make false commitments.

Now, smartly put the ball in his court by asking him to give a brief about his family, followed by his education.

Start asking the questions about his present job and then move to the previous assignment or job.

Concentrate on following things:

1) His role

2) His span of control

3) Organizational Hierarchy

4) Major achievements in that particular job/ role.

5) Major Challenges that he has faced in his present job; in his career; in his life

6) Why he want to change his job and why he has changed his jobs in past?

Appreciate him, when he discusses about his achievements. Make him comfortable and provoke him to speak as much as he can.

Ask him about his strengths and his personal achievements.

Don't forget to ask him about his goals, aspirations…where he sees himself in next 5-6 years. What is his purpose in life? What are his dreams?

Closing the interview

Tell the candidate that it was a pleasure to talk to him and you are through with the interview, however, if he have any question; if he want ask or know anything…he can do that.

Tell him that someone from your team will get in touch with him for future course of action.

You can read the complete article at: http://ezinearticles.com/?Art-of-Taking-Interviews:-Benchmarking- Interviews&id=387427


During the interview…don't frown at him. Carry a smiling face. In that interview cabin…you are trying to sell the vision of your company; the policies and procedures. Once the candidate is out from the interview cabin, he will be doing an advertisement for your company…Good or bad…choice is yours.

Taking an interview as an Art; if you are expert, you can literally take anybody's interview.

For me the purpose or outcome of the interview should be, "Doesn't matter whether I select the candidate or not; doesn't matter if he joins me or not; but we should be able to stay in touch with each other". That should be the impact he should have; that should be the impression that he should carry with him; that should be the pleasure he should be able to draw from that interaction.

Remember, while taking interviews...you are actually an unofficial ambassador of your company; you are representing your company; you are creating an image for your company and you are building a brand for your company. Doesn't matter whether you select that person or not...unknowingly you are doing an advertisement for your company.

If you are able to represent your company is a proper and professional manner he might join your company...if not now....might be in future. He might recommend you in his company or in his contacts but if handled in an unprofessional manner...he will not join your company and will tell others in his circle to not to join your company.

I am sure, you will like this write-up. Do share your views.

Keep Smiling. Keep Learning and Keep Growing.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Indian Industry is relaxing all norms while recruiting ...

The other day I came across in Hyderabad an advertisement in the local newspapers regarding a BPO JOB FAIR from 10 AM to midnight. Age / Sex no bar. Walk-in and Walk-out with your offer. Imagine you are a retired (voluntary retirement) banker and I know many of these species. Here is an opportunity to earn a few thousands ( Rs 10,000 +), work in a 100 % air-conditioned environment, interact with young people. I would jump at it.

Software companies have relaxed the educational qualifications while hiring. For instance, a top 10 Indian software company, used to only hire engineers with over 60 %. Today, the same company hires laterally software engineers who have a 50 % pass mark. Forget engineers, they are willing to hire Diploma holders. The reason, an acute shortage of people, the right type of people.

Whether it is software or BPO or retail or restaurants, there is an acute shortage. Forget, white-collared workers, look at the construction industry. The kind of revolution which we are seeing across India demands – Blue-collared workers to build, paint etc etc. Here again there is an acute shortage. Witness the advertisements in the local vernacular press.

In any party or seminar or meeting, I am asked about this talent shortage across industrial sectors. My reply dear Reader – “ SUPPLY catches up with DEMAND “.

Remember, we are a nation of over a Billion in terms of population. Every year, millions are joining the work-force. The rules of ECONOMICS will get applied automatically. You will see that the new workforce will learn new skills. Potential employers will train / retrain their existing / potential workforce so that the industry needs are met.

What should the Indian government do ? I personally am of the opinion that the government should help the private sector by subsidizing the skills training etc etc.

Talent Shortage in India - Case Study - Fine Dining Restaurants - Dec 2006

As a seasoned recruitment professional (atleast I think so) after 20 years in recruitment in India, I thought that there will be very few surprises I will face.
The current economy and related job boom has left me in a 'Daze'.

Forget, the demand for '' Top Honchos'' to man the board rooms / corner rooms, I am talking about the acute shortage of people who stand and serve. I mean physically they stand and serve over long hours.

The other day, I saw a 'Wanted Posted' outside a 'Fine Dining Restaurant' in Chennai. Dear Reader, as you know, Chennai is considered the most conservative place in the southern part of India. South Chennai - Mylapore is the heartland of conservatism. Here I saw a big , bold advt in front of the shop ........

Wanted Cooks, Waiters, Floor Supervisors, Captains .. Salary NO BAR. Free accomodation provided. Walk In and take the job..............

Dear Reader, I was Zapped..........I am in Conservative Chennai and not California, where one is accustomed to see such 'Wanted Posters' over the years.

The fact is dear Reader , the Indian Tiger is on the prowl. Our growth rates @ 10 % +, although our reputed economists under-estimate them regularly. India is the place to be, besides China.

Looking forward to hear your comments on the job scene in India.
